1. Digital Citizenship
Kidsmart - Learn how to be a smart surfer of the internet: covers topics from digital footprints and social networking to music and games
1-1 Digital Footprint
1-1 Social Networking
1-3 File Sharing
1-3 Safe Searching
1-3 Mobiles
1-3 Chat
1-3 Competition
Cybersmart Curriculum - Lessons for K-12 that cover online safey, cyberbulling, and digital citizenship
1-3 Citizens of Cyberspace Lesson Plan
1-3 Understanding an AUP Lesson Plan
1-3 Using the Internet to Speak Out Lesson Plan
1-3 Good Manners Everywhere Lesson Plan
NetSmartz Kids - interactive website that focuses on digital citizenship (covers indicators in standard 1)
Cyberethics for Kids 1-2
Brain Pop 1-1,1-2,1-3
2. Media Literacy
Assignment: Media Literacy - Lessons for K-6 on asking critical questions, the purpose of journalism, media genres, etc. (covers indicators of standard 2)
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - website evaluation information 2-1
Media Literacy Clearinghouse - Resources for K-12 education 2-3, 2-1
Cybersmart Curriculum - Lessons for K-12 that cover online safety, cyberbullying, and digital citizenship
2-1 Subject Category Searching Lesson Plan
2-1 Choosing a search site Lesson Plan
2-1Using Keywords Lesson Plan
2-1 Rating Websites Lesson Plan
2-3 Find the Ad Lesson Plan
2-3 Things for Sale Lesson Plan
2-3 A Place to Advertise Lesson Plan
3. Cyberethics
Stop Cyberbullying 3-5
Cyberethics for Kids (covers all indicators in standard 3)
Wired Kids (covers all indicators in standard 3)
Cybersmart Curriculum - Lessons for K-12 that cover online safety, cyberbullying, and digital citizenship
Is this Yours? Lesson Plan 3-1,3-2
Whose Property is this? Lesson Plan 3-1,3-2
Whose is it,anyway? Lesson Plan 3-1,3-2
Do the right thing Lesson Plan 3-1,3-2
Everyone wants friends Lesson Plan 3-4,3-5
Is that fair? Lesson Plan 3-5
The Power of Words Lesson Plan 3-5
Brain Pop 3-1,3-2,3-3,3-4,3-5
4. Personal Safety
Cybersmart Curriculum - Lessons for K-12 that cover online safety and cyberbullying
4-3 Group Think Lesson Plan
4-4 Be Comfortable Lesson Plan
4-4,4-6 Go Places Safely Lesson Plan
4-3,4-5,4-6,4-7 What's Private Lesson Plan
4-1,4-3,4-5,4-6,4-7 Private Information Lesson Plan
4-1,4-3,4-6,4-7Safe Talking in Cyberspace Lesson Plan
Chat Danger - Learn how to keep safe while chatting online via mobil phones, chats, e-mails, instant messaging and gaming (Various activities cover all indicators in standard 4.)
Faux Paws Fun Zone - Games, Dowloads, Videos about staying safe while using technology 4-3,4-3,4-7
I Keep Safe.org - videos on internet safety 4-3,4-4,4-7
Rules in Cyberspace (Covers all indicators in standard 4)
Brain Pop 4-3,4-4,4-5,4-6,4-7
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